How To Credit Your Reward Program


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

First, create your reward program and customize it with your desired logo, colors, and URL. You can create as many reward programs as you want and tailor each program to meet your specific needs. If you plan to provide points-based rewards to your members for various occasions, you can create multiple reward campaigns. Then, when you want to reward your members, you simply need to select the relevant reward campaign.

I) How to Create a Reward Campaign?

1) Open appyReward

2) Click "Create a campaign"

3) Select the platform with which you want to link your reward campaign

If you plan to reward your members manually, select "Not integrated", if you plan to offer points automatically, select the platform you want to link with.

4) Select "Points Pulse" as the campaign type and your reward program

6) Select the country for the gift catalog and Configure the start and end date of the campaign

7) Set the point value, the number of members you plan to reward and the number of points you want to add to the campaign. Note that you will be asked to credit your campaign before clicking next.

9) Last step, all you have to do is review your campaign and launch it.

II) Offering Points to Your Members

1) Manual Point Offering

- Go to the reward program overview and select "Members."

- Choose the member you want to reward and click on "Settings," then "Manage Points."

(Note that you must first create a team or group of members and then add your member)
- Select "Add Points" and fill in the desired amount of points in the form.

- Choose the reward campaign from which the points will be deducted.
- Optionally, add a comment that will be displayed to your member.

2) Automatic Point Offering

During the reward campaign creation process, select the integration option (e.g., SurveyMonkey).

The specified points will be automatically offered to members upon completing the integrated activity (e.g., survey).

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