Security - Access Control for digital gift cards delivery
Don't be fooled by bots!
Last Update 3 jaar geleden
Secure your surveyMonkey, TypeForm or Google Forms surveys and only reward real respondents, as your surveys may be the target of bots that will respond to your survey to get gifts for free.
This is why we take care of our features to make your job easier and above all to secure your budget. With the "Access Control" option, access to the gift is only on request. You can thus verify the authenticity of the participant before giving him access to the gift. Thanks to this feature, the access link for digital gifts delivery would be sent once authorized by you.
Enable the service
Click on the Access Control activation button displayed in step 3 of the campaign set up. This works for all types of campaigns.
What about requests?
On the dashboard, a notification alerts you if there are requests and an email is sent to you.

Click on "View" to display the list of pending requests. Then accept or decline.
If you decline, the gift code that was ready to be sent is cleaned up and available for a next respondent.

Create your appyReward account
Start a Free plan with 1 free campaign per month!